Looks like the "All PCI modems are winmodems! Does not work in Linux!" line may
soon be inaccurate. My, the times, they are a-changin'.

                     01:37 EST [Dolph] 
                     56K modem handles variety of OS 

                         Actiontec Electronics Inc. has announced a 56K PCI
controller-based fax/modem
                         that can run on DOS, Windows, UNIX, OS/2, and

                         The modem can also accomodate both single and
multi-processor computers. 
                         Because the modem incorporates an on-board controller,
the physical modem
                         operation is independent of the host CPU. No processor
cycles are spent for
                         communication control, and the modem operation is
independent of the choice of
                         the operating system. 
                         The new modem supports both the V.90 and K56flex
standard, which the modem
                         automatically selects when it connects to an Internet
Service Provider. It operates up
                         to 56 kbps, incorporating both MNP5 and V.24bis data
compression with MNP2.4,
                         V.42, and LAPM error correction. 
                         The Actiontec modem comes with a five year limited
warranty and is available to
                         OEMs. Software upgrades and information about the
product can be found at,
Kuraiken - Apprentice Codecaster

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