
Well I buckled down and reinstalled and this time used fdisk instead of Disk
Druid to create the partitions I wanted, and succeeded.  Yay for me.

I told it to format my partitions.

I suppose this is the "fresh install" that I wanted.  Well, my KFM still
freezes when I click the shortcut to my DOS_hdb2 on my desktop, or the shortcut
to my floppy, or the shortcut to the CD Rom drive.  It also freezes if I browse
to the /mnt folder and try to look at what all is in there.

When I right click both the /mnt and the /dev folder and click the
"Permissions" tab, everything is grayed out.

I think this might just be a KDE/KFM bug.  I can't see how I can be having this
problem repeated so much after a so-called "clean install".  

BTW, yes, all the necessary permissions are given to each user.  Root has
the same problem, anyway.  Permissions have been double-checked using
another file manager or the terminal and are fine.  Other file
managers/terminals work fine.  

BTW (again) I didn't have this problem the very, very first time I installed

Any help would be great.

Karen (who's having a hard time typing any more smilies to take the edge off
my frustration!)  ;-)

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