Okay here's what I did this time. Partition Magic wouldn't resize my Linux partition, and I needed more space. So I created a FAT32 partition for some extra storage. Everything went fine creating it. I restarted, and tried to boot Linux, but I got a Linux Ext2 mounting error. It said there was a Kernel Panic Error(which sounds pretty pad) and I should try passing intrd= into the kernel, or something like that. So then I figured I'd delete the partition, cause maybe linux wasn't recognizing it, then I'd create it through Linux. So I go into PM in Windows, and it won't delete it because it's an 'unrecognized format'. There were no errors it picked up though. So then I tried formatting it to NTFS, thinking it might recognize that. I formatted it, tried deleting it, and I got the same error. Any ideas on what I should do?
Quick answer would be nice,

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