I just installed LM 7.2 purchased from Wal-Mart. I've also downloaded and 
installed all the current updates. Most things seem to be working OK but 
would like to know if anyone could provide me with some information on how to 
correct a few problems noted in the .xsession-errors file.

Running update-menus...done
/usr/bin/startkde: [: too many arguments
Could not dlopen library artsd.la: file not found
Could not load library! Trying exec....
Launched ok, pid = 3640
KLauncher doing clientStarted(`kio_file')
KLauncher doing clientStarted(`kmixctrl')
KLauncher doing clientStarted(`kxmlrpcd')
QSocketNotifier: Multiple socket notifiers for same socket 8 and type read
KLauncher doing clientStarted(`kwin')
KLauncher doing clientStarted(`kwrite')
family == courier
size == 11
KDE detected X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter) 9
  Major opcode:  14
QToolBar::QToolBar main window cannot be 0.
KLauncher doing clientStarted(`kio_file')

1. Any idea on how to fix /usr/bin/startkde: [: to many arguments ?

2  What is - Could not dlopen library artsd.la: file not found - an how do 
you fix it ?

3. What is - QSocketNotifier: Multiple socket notifiers for same socket 8 and 
type read - and how would I fix that ?

4. KDE detected X Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window Parameter) 9 
Major opcode: 14 - What is this and can anyone help me fix it ?

5. QToolBar::QToolBar main window cannot be 0. - Again no idea what this is 
and how to fix it

Any help in fixing the or explaining the above would be greatly appriciated. 
Thank you in advance.


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