Just got thinking about this the other day.  Is there an ICQ client which
will run in the background of bash?  I am in the process of trying to do
everything I need in bash and not using Xwindows (mmm.. good ol' days of DOS
almost! :)), but I do a fair amount of communicating through ICQ.  A cool
little program that basically just allows me to keep a list of names, and
send messages back and forth would be great!  A cool feature would be to
have a little flag pop up on your bash prompt to let you know you have a
message.. such as this maybe?

leif@walio leif §>$

or something like that (with § being the new message flag)

Ideas?  Would be cool none the less I think.. :)

Leif Madsen

Registered Linux User #219104
"There are two possibilities, either we are
alone, or we are not.  Both are equally

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