Hi Folks,       

When installing LM7.2 I noticed several error messages,packages that
couldn't be installed,nothing that would keep anything major from running
however.Made a boot disc,set the printer,and was able to get into kppp. I
used the customized class and let Drak x format the drive and auto-allocate.
Anyway, I've got a separate drive I'm putting this on. My other drive has
w98se,using grub to flip between the 2. Is there anything I could,or should
do to the linux drive to help minimize these error messages. I scandisked
it,defragged it,although it was a brand new drive and has never had any
other os but LM7.2 on it. I have a copy of spinrite as well and everything
was cool there too.
Perhaps I'm just being anal here be thought I throw this question out and
see what I got :)
Thank you very much for your time,yall hava great wknd. and Happy Easter

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