Hello! I recently tried to install Mandrake 7.2 on my
computer that has windows 2000 on it also.  Before
anything, I want to describe the setup I have.

I have 2 hardrives.  The primary drive has windows
2000 on it and the second drive is for Mandrake. 
Anyway, I installed Mandrake on the second drive and
everything seems fine UNTIL I was done with the
mandrake install and I had to reboot.  When the
computer rebooted, I was hoping to see LILO or Grub
but instead I saw a "NTLDR Not found" error.  I know
in the past that I was able to install with no
problems.  I would usually get LILO and when I chose
Windoze I would get the Windoze 2000 boot menu.  This
time I didnt get anything.  What am I doing wrong?



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