Dear Civilme:

Just wanted to report a minor but critical bug in the Internet Connection 
Configuration. It happens both during Install and when trying to configure 
Internet Connection from scratch in the Mandrake Control Center. This little 
bug caused me no end of confusion and agony when I first tried to configure 
my Internet Connection in LM 8.0.

Here it is:

I have two NIC cards on my system: eth0  (3c905b) and eth1 (Syslink "tulip"). 
I connect to the Internet through eth0 and my LAN then connects my computer 1 
to computer 2 by means of eth1.

The bug occurs if you choose to let LM 8.0 detect your NIC cards 
AUTOMATICALLY. In my case, it selects "LAN" for my configuration. That's 
wrong. I do not connect to the Internet on computer 1 through LAN but through 
DSL. When I accepted this "official" detection by LM 8.0 and tried (several 
times) to configure my LAN, I then found it impossible to install Internet 
Sharing. I was very confused and almost gave up on Internet Sharing. But then 
I decided to go against this "official" detection and chose DSL, which 
brought up BOTH eth0 and eth1, configured eth0 for my Internet Connection and 
completed my Install. Then, when I booted up, both eth0 and eth1 were 
recognized, logged into KDE and clicked on "Internet" (Network Monitoring), 
which connected me to the Internet using my ADSL eth0. 

Once I was online, I went into Mandrake Control Center, skipped Internet 
Connection altogether, went directly into Internet Sharing and used the 
Wizard to configure my LAN. The Wizard reported that it would set up my LAN 
using my eth1 (tulip). Right on the money. It then automatically downloaded 
and installed all the necessary files and, bingo, in seconds, my second 
computer was connected to the Internet using ADSL.

The point is that the automatic detection thoroughly confused me. I just 
assumed that LM 8.0's Wizard knows better than me what ought to be configured 
at this staqe. And LM 8.0's Wizard in this case was DEAD WRONG.

I wanted to let you know so that this bug can be fixed or else some text be 
added to the configuration of Internet Connection AT THIS CRITICAL JUNCTURE 
of the Install. 

That's it.

All my thanks for a great job and a great distro.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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