
I've just discovered Linux and installed Mandrake 6.1 (Helios).

I have to run a java program that needs the JDK
I downloaded the jdk_1.1.7-v1a-glibc-x86.tar.gz and it gave me the
folowing error when I tried to run simply "./java"
 /usr/local/jdk117_v1a/bin/../bin/i686/green_threads/java : error in
 loading shared libraries : ./../lib/i686/green_threads/libjava.so :
 undefined symbol : _dl_symbol_value

Yesterday I tried to find another jdk package, and I spent one hour
and an half to dowload it :-(. It was jdk-117_v1a-2.i386.rpm, but it
failed the same way as the previous one ;-((

Does someone can help me ?
Thanks in advance. Francois

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