OK, I have tried LM 7.0, 7.2, and now 8.0. (purchased the power pack editions 
of 7.2 and 8.0 at best buy stores in Charlotte NC). I believe it was worth 
every penny each time. now in truth, i do not have any reason for even having 
a computer, but I have three or four running in this house, networked (mostly 
win - internet chat and word processing boxes for the wife and kids)
I allways have dual booted and have loaded all the toys and bells and 
whistles (ie: expert-developer install, selecting all the packages and 
shutting off services i am not going to use after install. I have allways 
started each distro as a clean install and had my data files stored in some 
other computer on the home network. I have NOT found any of the hard drive 
problems, all though my two western digital HD (hda [8.2 gig; hda1- winders_ 
c -4 gig ,hda5 - /boot -  90 meg, hda6 - linux swap 244 meg (192meg RAMmem) 
rest is /home]and hdc [10gig; hdc5 - / - hdc6 winders_d) are masters of 
different ide channels (hdb is cd-dvd player, hdd is cd rom, are the slaves) 
It found and configured the USB (hp8210e) cd burner with no input from me, 
and I am now learning to use Gcombust. I personally am glad to see it out  

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