
I upgraded (full re-install) my desktop computer from MDK 7.2 to MDK 8.0. I 
am pleased with the later version, so I decided to upgrade my laptop computer.

I have a TOSHIBA 435 CDS with a 120 MHz processor and 48 Meg RAM. It was so 
slow in MDK 7.1 LIN4WIN that it was useless. It was slow in MDK 7.2, but so 
was Windows.

The computer will not boot from CDROM so I made the install diskette and 
proceeded with a full install after formatting new larger partitions (/, 
swap, usr, home).

Install started normally! When it got to "Trying to access cdrom" it seemed 
to access the cd OK, then went into "second stage install" with more CDROM 

A few seconds later it said "Install exited abnormally" and proceeded to end 
the install. Hoping it was a problem with the boot disk I made another. Same 

To eliminate the install cd I bought the STANDARD EDITION set. Using the new 
cd and the install floppy provided with it I get the same result.

I was able to re-install MDK 7.2 with no problems.

Where do I start???


Lee Waters

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