Unfortunately I need to use linuxconf to generate a sendmail.cf file. 

Linuxconf  points to /usr/lib/linuxconf/mailconf to get the info to
generate it's sendmail.cf file. Problem is those old files generate a
8.8.7 sendmail.cf file. I have Sendmail 8.10.1; I need to have
linuxconf  use the correct 8.10.1 files. How do I do this?  What files
do I use from Sendmail 8.10.1? Where do I place those files?

I know this a very basic question, so I appreciate any and all advice
I can get. I'm very new to Linux,  so I appreciate your patience in
replying to my request for help. Thank you in advance!!

work e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
home e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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