I am continuing to be caught in printer configuration problems.

I have had the most trouble in 4 YEARS to configure this frequently used
Have I lost what little Linux knowledge I thought I knew!?
I certainly dont mind admitting my ignorance if someone can point it out
to me :-)

My last couple of notes have gone unanswered so thought I would try

I am running L-M 6.1 Helios
I have configured the same printer successfully on RH5.2 and L-M 6.0

Are any others using the 850xseries drivers successfully?
Printtool gave me errors using the HP DesjJet 850X series drivers so I
go back to the venerable 550x series.

click 'restart lpd'
For the first time in many trys it actually prints out the postscript
test file
Attempting to print a file in netscape or Wordperfect ends qued in
/var/spool/lpd/lp but doesnt print.

#lprm job#s
#lpq   "Warning: lp is down: lp is ready and printing
        no entries" 
Using suggestions from the List:

#lpc restart lp
"no daemon to abort
daemon started"

#lpc stat lp
"queuing is enabled
printing is disabled
no entries
no daemon present"

Try # lpd restart

#lpr 'filename' goes to que and stays there so does #lpr -Plp 'filename'

Printool test "print ASCHII directly to port" works
The other tests do not work.
Must restart Window Manager to get a test postscript page to print then
nothing works again and back to square one of several hours and days
tweaking, reading, rebooting etc. 

Would someone please point out "the error of my ways"!? If it is a long
one feel free to post to my email address and when I am successful I
will post the positive results to the List.


William Bouterse

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