Ok, installed Mandrake 6.0 

I would like to have several resolutions available to me in X. So when I do
my video and Monitor setup I decide not to accept the default resolution
found and I pick three from the 24bit list. 800 x 600 1024 x 768 and 1248 x
1024 (is that last one right?) anyway...

When I get into X.. no difference what windows manager I use.. KDE or Gnome
etc... It fits the largest resolution to my monitor and the others it makes
them Larger icons etc.. in a vitural screen which extends past the edge of
the real screen.. I HATE THAT.. 

I have looked and looked but so far I have not found a way to turn this
virtural screen off.. I dont want to pan off the edge of my screen how do I
stop it??



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