I am having extreme difficulties installing/upgrading to Mandrake 6.0.  My system is a Pentium 133 w/ 48 Meg RAM, 1.2 & 1.6 HDD, S3 Virge DX w/ 4 Meg, no Modem, 2 NICs (1 for cable modem, 1 for internal net), dedicated to Linux.
I successfully installed RH 5.1, then new install of RH 5.2, then new install of L-M 5.3, then upgrade to RH (raw hide) 5.9, then upgrade to RH 6.0.  My attempts to upgrade to L-M 6.0 met with abject failure!  I could not complete an upgrade past the mouse configuration.  OK, says I, No Problem!.  I'll just reformat and re-install.  Turns out I was half right - I could format, but not install.
Numerous install attempts ended with 1) failure on mouse configuration, 2) failure on network configuration, and 3) about a dozen "install exited abnormally - received signal 11 sending termination signals...etc., etc." which occurred at various points in the install from copying files to configuration menus.   All upgrade/install attempts came from any of four CDs I burned from a d/l'd ISO image (I have four because I pass them out to friends not blessed with a cable modem and a burner).
As I write this plea, I am d/ling another ISO in hopes that my first was somehow corrupted.
If anyone has any information or ideas, I would REALLY like to hear them.

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