On Monday 01 Dec 2003 4:45 am, Teilhard Knight wrote:
> Thanks a lot, Derek. It seems everything is set now. I still do not get
> into Internet, though. First, as you said, iwconfig gives:
> &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
> wlan0 IEEE 802.11-DS ESSID:"2WIRE193" Nickname:"castillo.nuthouse.nut"
> Mode:Managed Channel:6 Access Point: 00:0D:72:17:AA:E9
> Bit Rate=11Mb/s
> RTS thr=1536 B Fragment thr=1536 B
> Encryption key:9442-9454-75 Security mode:open
> Power Management:off
> Link Quality:0 Signal level:100 Noise level:0
> Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
> Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

The fact that we can see the MAC address of your Wireless Access point tells 
us that the wireless link is working.
However Link Quality :0 usually means that the encryption key is wrong.
It could be your key is actually an ASCII string even though it looks like a 
number. Try with 

If that does not help you can confirm if the problem is with the encryption 
key by disabling encryption in the router and Linux client.

You can test if the link is working with ping
will test your local interface

will test the wireless link to your router

> &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
> I wrote the two lines you mention in "blacklist.
> I guess the problem is in my ifcfg-wlan0 file. I worte it as:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> DEVICE=wlan0
> BOOTPROTO=static

this should be

> ONBOOT=yes
> KEY=94:42:94:54:75
It should really be
WIRELESS_ENC_KEY= 94:42:94:54:75
but from the output above it is clear it has accepted what you put.

> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Note that the line giving the value of  BROADCAST is absent, I simply could
> not figure out what to put there.

> Only thing to mention is that my wireless modem is a router too. I then
> wrote everything as if the adaptor "saw" an static configuration. Although
> the "external" IP may vary (dynamic account), the internal IP's are always
> the same.
> For NETWORK, I wrote the router address, and also for NETMASK, the router
> NETMASK, the IPADDR is the "internal" one. For the WIRELESS_MODE, I would
> have written: "infrastructure", but in your web example you select
> "managed", so, perhaps it is not what I am thinking.
The driver understands two modes 'Managed' for use with a wireless access 
point, and 'Ad-hoc'  for peer to peer networking without an access point.

> Thanks so much for helping me with this.
> Teilhard.

no problem


BTW: If you also have an Ethernet on this computer, then you need to tell it 
which interface to use for internet access. To do that edit 
/etc/sysconfig/network and insert the line
and it might also help if you declare your router to be a gateway
(assuming that is the address of your router)


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