
I,m running linux 6.5 on an Pentium I, with an "Jazz 16" Soundboard.
I've had no problems with running soundconfig, it played the wave-sample-example, as well as the midi-example.
Audio-CD's are running without problem, mp3's, and several video/sound formates do as well, but no MIDI's  (exept the midi example of soundconfig), neighter the midi player, wich was part of my basic installation, is working, nor a sequenzer program (BRAHMS) I loaded down the net, wich seems to work well, exepted, that there is no sound at all.

By reading a lot, I already found out, that the midi-function and the playin of all kind of wav-formats, are to complet different things, allocated in differend parts of my sound-card, so I assume that the midi part isn't supported correctly, but why can "soundconfig" play it's midi-testfile then?

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