I tried to install machine with Apache,mod_perl and HTML-Embperl
capabilities. First I installed Mandrake 7.2 custom-development. I chose
apache, mod_perl, html-embperl etc.(perl modules). When I started up
interface showed httpd and httpd-perl coming up. Then I tried just to see
localhost, but none was there.

First question: How does one give machine name(localhost,whatever) if it
is not asked during install.

Ok, got tired of such scramble, and decided to install Apache+mod_perl
from source. Then I discovered that perl libraries are not where they
should be, so Apache won't install. (hmm, install new perl from source and
all modules that are needed :P)

Ok, so I changed to custom-server install. Installed stuff, apache etc.
During start shows httpd, httpd-perl, and even localhost exists if I look
at it through some browser. 
Now I wanted to use HTML-Embperl, and decided to modify httpd.conf. So I
added lines

        <Files ~ "*\.epl$">
        DefaultType text/html
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler HTML::Embperl
        Options +ExecCGI +Includes +Indexes
        PerlSetEnv EMBPERL_ESCMODE 4
        PerlSetenv EMBPERL_OPTIONS 16
        AddType text/html .html

When I did configtest, it failed miserably, complaining about PerlHandler.

So, my second question is: How to use Embperl, if it is installed?
Where to write what?


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