I just installed Mandrake 6.0 last night. I tried setting up my internet
stuff under KPPP. I couldn't get the modem to work. The modem is a US
Robotics 56K internal (not a winmodem). It is set to run on COM3. I always
get errors that say "modem is busy". I have tried all the possible devices
(/dev/ttyS0, S1, S2, .....) to see if that would work. I tried changing the
IRQ (setserial /dev/ttyS2 IRQ :1, 2, 3, and so on......) and Still nothing.

I was using Mandrake 5.3 for the past few months on this same machine until
last night without a problem. All I did was put the CD in and installed.
The modem worked on the first try. And Windows 98 has no problem too.

This is not an upgrade that I did. I slicked the partition and installed
Mandrake 6.0 from scratch. I don't see a whole lot of troubleshooting
documentation about this problem (online or offline). Can anyone point me
in the right direction? What do I do?


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