Dear friends:

Using Mozilla 0.9.2/Galeon 0.11.1 on LM 8.0.

I have spent the past several hours trying to troubleshoot the mangled text 
problem in Mozilla and Galeon and have come up with only one clue:

Both Mozilla and Galeon have an option for using your own fonts EXLUSIVELY 
(just as Netscape does).

First, I would appreciate it if you could confirm the situation at your end. 
Do any of you have the same problem. But please read below before you check.

The point is (and I hope I am right on this) that your fonts should work 
perfectly with the option that allows Web documents to use ANY of your fonts, 
not just the ones you specify. If you specify your own fonts and you have 
chosen the appropriate fonts (proportional or fixed), all your pages will 
look perfect, but you Web will also look somewhat monotonous. 

One site will suffice for comparison purposes, namely:

Galeon's home page:

In Netscape 4.x, the options (also under Edit, Preferences) are: 

1) Use your own fonts, overriding document-specified fonts.

2) Use document-specified fonts -- disable Dynamic fonts.

3) Use document-specified fonts -- including Dynamic fonts.

I have just checked carefully to make sure that option no. 3 is checked in 
Netscape. It is. That means the web pages in Netscape are accesssing, in 
addition to your selected fonts, any other fonts it needs. I checked Galeon's 
site (and a Google search and the N.Y. Times home page -- checking especially 
for properly aligned columns without run-on lines or overlapped characters), 
and everything looks perfect. 

In Mozilla the option is for:

"Allow documents to use other fonts."

If you check this off, Mozilla (at least my current installation of Mozilla 
on my new reinstall of LM 8.0 --never happened before) displays the 
distortions I mentioned above. If you uncheck this option, then Mozilla will 
display everything perfectly (See Netscape option 1 -- "Use your own fonts").

In Galeon, the option under Settings, Fonts is:

"Always use these fonts."

The results are exactly the same as for Mozilla.

And it doesn't matter what fonts you choose or what sizes, whether Type 1 or 
True Type (so long as you choose "proportional" (variable) or "fixed" (mono) 
as required. The page(s) in question appear perfect in Netscape 4.x even with 
the option to allow for document-specified fonts. But they look distorted in 
Mozilla 0.9.2 and identically so in Galeon 0.11.1. 

By the way, everything looks fine in Mozilla for Windows (i.e. "allow 
documents to use other fonts" is checked.)

I had been using Mozilla 0.9.2/Galeon 0.11.1 for weeks without any such 
distortions. For some reason, after this latest reinstall of LM 8.0, I 
noticed this problem in Mozilla and Galeon. Everything else seems to be 
working just fine in LM. Unfortunately, Mozilla/Galeon is my gateway to the 
Web, so this apparently minor issue becomes a major one.

I have tried to uninstall mozilla and galeon, remove the configuration 
folders from my home directory, etc. However, other than the clue above, I 
have no idea what's going on. 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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