I have 4 ethernet cards in my one server.  Here's a breakdown of thier usage!
eth0 = static IP from a cisco uBR 924.  This is used for my web server/ftp 
eth1 = dhcp from another cable modem for a game server
eth2 = dhcp from the cisco uBR924, internal network, for samba server
eth3 = dhcp from another cable modem for another game server

So I have a total of 3 'modems' that I am using for different things here.

My problem is...is that using netconf in mandrake 8 only allows me, from what 
I can see, to setup one gateway.  And this is the gateway of my static IP.

I can only use one of the connections that are present at a time.  If I setup 
the gateway for eth0 then only the web/ftp server works.  If I setup eth1's 
default gateway then only the 1 game server works, and none of the other 
services work from the outside world.

How do I configure these 4 ethernet cards so that they all act on thier own.  
eth1 and eth3 will be configured from dhcp and all traffic will go out to 
thier respective modem!

Any help would be appreciated.  Thx.


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