I recently bought two new NIC cards for a firewall/router box.  THey are
Linksys LNE100TX's.  I swapped one of em into my existing box because
I've done that thign with two identical network cards in one box and I'm
not doing it again ;-)  I had no problems.  My old NIC used the tulip
driver and the new one does as well.

Here's the weird part.  The new installation detected the NIC and asked
me to pick a module from a list.  I tried every single module on that
list and none of them worked.  However as soon as the installation was
done I logged in as root and fired up linuxconf, assigned the tulip
driver the eth0 and all my IP information, restarted the network service
and all was well.  I'm sure you can see you I am confused.  Why
didn't/couldn't the install process make the tulip driver work?

As an aside, has anyone used the linux driver that comes with linksys
NIC's?  I'm thinking about giving it a try.  As an educational pursuit

Thanks for your input folks!


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