
Ive just set up a little home network, with 3 machines as follows :

        machine 1 : [] Smoothwall Dial-up Router

        machine 2 : [] My Linux Box :-)

        machine 3 : [] My Partners Win98 machine

First of all I cant get my mdk 7.2 box to install my network card .. it
keeps returning with a insmod error .... !!!????!!!!! [This is really
pi**ing me off] - So ive had to revert back to 7.1 where it installs first
time ;-)

Secondly, Although I can connect to the router, to connect to the internet,
when I try to access any web pages that are outside my network i always get
the error "No TCP route to the network"

Im about to pull all my hair out (whats left) and throw the lot out the

Thanks in advance for any help/info regarding these little snags

Cheers all


[I had to use win98 to do this :-(  ]

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