I'm having some problems getting my laptop (running Mandrake 6.0) to be
able to see my home network.  Both of the home systems are using Linksys
PCI 10bT ethernet adapters, my laptop is using a 3Com 10bT PCMCIA card
(3CXE589ET).  I know the card works, because I can boot into windows and
play nicely with the NT network at work (using DHCP), though I can't get
an IP address under linux.

At home, using fixed IP addresses, the default install of both my server
and my workstation allow them to ping each other nicely (.2 or less ping
times), but my laptop gets a 'network is unreachable' error.

I have my home network set up using the 10.x.x.x IP address set.  The
server is set as, the workstation is set as, and the
laptop is set as

in the KDE Control Center, under Laptop:PCMCIA, It shows Card 0 as my
modem, and Card 1 is empty (though the driver for the network card in
slot 1 is being loaded).

The card is being detected and handed the following resources by
IRQ: 9
I/O: 0300-030f

Any ideas?

        - Theo

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