why go through all that headach? why not just plop the cdrom in the
drive, boot from it and do a clean install???

Eunice Thompson wrote:
> I'm planning to build a new system, and I'd like to have Linux ( in a
> separate system)by itself. I can make an image of the Linux partition with
> 'Drive Image" to put it on the new drive, but will it work?
> The reason why I ask is because my current setup is :
> dev/hda1:win98 (7.5GB);
> dev/hda2:fat32 free space(2.0 GB);
> dev/hda3: Mandrake-Linux 7.02 (3GB)
> So if I put the image of Linux on the new drive (maybe about 6GB) and it's
> in a box all by itself, when I boot up will it do flip flops or something
> because of the missing partions?
> Should I create 2 fat32 partitions on the drive and then stick the
> installation CD in and just do an upgrade and delete the 2 (empty) fat32
> partitons and then use the entire hard drive for Linux? Or can I just delete
> the 2 partitions, and format the empty space as (ext2fs) free space for use
> later?
> Also how can you increase the size of a partition (for instance " /home")
> after the OS is already installed?
> Thanks for any insight.

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