just to keep this up... (with tongue firmly implanted in right cheek) and
when did the almighty leave you in charge to decide what is or is NOT
"political correctness" (ands heck ain't you from an island name Ireland,
if-n you-n a Celt? and by the way do you all know what the phrase (excuse
please my "phonic" spelling in Gaelic, since I no speaky Gaelic) "Pugg ma
whin" means? I have this "Irish" neighbor who hollers it to me every morning
as he leaves for work and has to squeeze his car past my penguin-mobile. I
think it must mean "what a cool car" ... or something like that.......

<removing tongue that has not pushed THROUGH the cheek>

and also... the almighty left a message that NO human today has ANY right to
decide who and what will be judged.
let him who is, do his work, and the rest of us will do what we can....
let he how has ears hear. for there is no one so deaf as he who will not
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jay needs a Guinness" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 2:10 PM
Subject: [newbie] OFF TOPIC - about the ridiculous 8.0 beta response

> In this day of political correctness we always have to be wary of what and
> how we say it.  I, for one, am NOT politically correct.  I refuse to be
> offended by what anybody says on a mailing list and my suggestion is, if
> are offended by a comment (or my signature line...remember that one) just
> ignore the comment or delete the offending message.  Stop flooding the
> with ridiculous replies about how you feel about it, for it is redundant
> uncalled for.
> --
> Jay
> ~May the enemies of Ireland never meet a friend~
> http://www.mrsnooky.com
> http://celtic.free

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