Dear friends:

I am currently using Netscape 4.7 like most of you, I gather. However, I
am interested in installing the old Netscape 3.04 for Linux, which I got
from Netscape's archives. The name of the file is:


I would like to install this version alongside the current Nestcape
Navigator/Communicator 4.7. My main interest in using the old browser is
the Bookmark function, which I assume (as in the case of the Windows
version of Netscape 3.x series) sorted your bookmarks AUTOMATICALLY by
name, a function crippled in the Netscape 4.x series (and corrected in
the upcoming Netscape 5.0 browser -- I have their official word on

Question: Could someone please give me advice on whether I can install
this old browser on Mandrake 6.1 and, if so, will there be a conflict
with my present browser? Will there be other problems, e.g. with
libraries, or who knows what else? 

I am afraid to go through with this until I have some expert advice from
someone who understand the situation and any possible issues involved.

Thank you so very much.


Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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