I placed this question earlier and could not arrive at a satisfying answer so
with the liquid nature of this list I decided to try again. Here goes.

For some reason (in other words I don't really want to waste bandwidth talking
about it) Xfce is not on my kdm menu at the start of an xsession. I do boot
directly to runlevel 5 or 6 (xdm or kdm).

I have installed, by rpm, Xfce window manager. I can add it to the menu using 
the KDE Control Center however this will not start xfce but instead falls back
to the "failsafe" window manager in the xinit file ( which in my case is fwm or
something like that).

In what file do I need to put a Xfce entry and how do I write that entry so
that kdm can start Xfce when I click on it ? (And this is the

Thanks and much appreciation for your time and efforts in helping this less
than guru-level Mandrake user.

Clif Caldwell

The "Sig" file is having a bad day.

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