I am preparing to install Linux Mandrke 72 as a second OS on my currently
Win98 machine (Celeron 366, 128 RAM, 10 gig).  For now, I just want to
begin learning it; I have no programming skills.  My HD is partitioned into
4; OS on C:\ (1.17 gig avail), applications on D:\ (911 meg avail), data I
back up nightly (databases, email etc.) on E:\ (1.54 gig avail) and music
files on F:\ (178 meg avail but 2 gig potentially so).  MY CD-Roms are G:\
(40x) and H:\ (8x8x24x).  I am not keen on (but not adamently opposed to)
any further partitions if that word is used as I currently understand it.

I'd like to put Linux on C, have the option of which OS I want to use when
I boot and not alter the drive letters of the remaining drives.. my many
shortcuts won't work in that case nor will I have access to my data (on
E:\) without re-configuration.

Where (and how) might you suggest installing Linux given these
Dave Burrows
741 Cleveland Road
Washington, PA  15301  

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