
Last night I decided I wanted to compile some software.  I quickly
discovered that I have not installed the necessary pgcc, make etc etc.  I
began my installation process by trying to install make.  I used the
kpackage to do the installation.  As it was installing it came up with a
"Script Failed" type error message.  I have heard that kpackage does have a
few bugs (not installing documentation if I remember rightly - my
observations seem to confirm that) so I tried using rpm from the command

I typed
rpm -i <file name for make, which I can't remember right now but checked
that it and the path were correct>
It responded that make was already installed.  So I

rpm -e <correct package name, which I can't remember but checked to make
sure it was correct>
It responded that the package was not installed.

I once encoutered a similar problem using RH5.2 and Glint.  In that case I
solved the problem by having the installed packages window and the available
packages window open simultaneously.  However I am not using Glint in this
case (it doesn't deem to have been included) so I don't know how to solve
this problem?  Does anyone have any ideas?


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