
I have several web servers running 7.2, and they all have the relevent
updates loaded, no FTP, telnet, or even pop3. only SSH httpd, and smtp
(Sendmail), ( I have the servers set to forward mail on to isp's mail
servers to save me having to open pop3..)

I thought it would be a good idea to ask if you think 7.2 with the 2.2.19-4
kernel (And ReiserFS) is something I should stay with?

With the updates, how would you rate its security compared to 8? all the
systems have portsentry and a customised install of pmfirewall, but if the
base os is flawed, thats only so good...

I have gotten very familiar with 7.2, and I would rather wait a while before
adopting 8 and starting the learning over again. But if 7.2 starts seriously
lagging behind 8 in security and/or performance (mostly security I am
concerned with though.), I'll have to reconsider..

Hence this question...

many thanks and kindest regards


Perth Western Australia.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Civileme
Sent: Monday, 28 May 2001 10:28 AM
To: Jay DeKing
Cc: Newbie Mandrake
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrake Update fails every time

On Sunday 27 May 2001 09:54, Jay DeKing wrote:
> You are half right. I am using 7.2, but I have only - ONLY - used
> 7.2-specific rpms.
> Jay
> Civileme wrote:
> > WHOA!
> >
> > from the content of the last couple of emails on this I get the
> > impression that you have mandrake 7.2 and are trying to update to 8.0
> > packages
> >
> > Simply forget it!  You cannot use mandrakeUpdate in that fashion.  Way
> > WAY too much delta, plus incompatible binaries and libraries.
> >
> > 8.0 is backwards compatible to 7.2, but 7.2 is not forwards compatible
> > 8.0.  We did modify library and packaging policies in 8.0 so a similar
> > situation NEVER happens again, but this one remains--the difference in
> > library dependencies alone is enough.
> >
> > Civileme

OK for a quick update of 7.2, don't use MandrakeUpdate.  There are many
mirrors who have the wrong permissions set or similar problems.
Additionally, if you are using a very very early 7.2 you might have
conflicting packages which would kill any attempt at update.

Best to check to see if you have CUPS and printpro both installed  (classic
symptom)  by

rpm -qa | grep rintpro
rpm -qa | grep ups

If you see printpro in one output and kups or qtcups in the other, your
install is at fault, and you actually need to reinstall with a little less
agressive package selection--this happens in expert mode with an
choice, and nowhere else, and only if your KDE version is 1.99.

If you can, then find someone to download and burn MandrakeFreq an either
the Update portion of Install (booting off the CD) or let LiveUpdate see the
CD and do the upgrade.

But, really, a much better solution is to forget 7.2 altogether and go to
where Software Manager (a merge of rpmDrake and MandrakeUpdate) really makes
updates work well.


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