Then how do I switch window managers midstream?
I boot to a command prompt and when I hit startx, it loads Gnome.  I want
to use Window Maker.  How do I switch to that?

On Mon, 17 Apr 2000, Mike Corbeil wrote:

> Brian T. Schellenberger wrote:
> > "Stephen F. Bosch" wrote:
> > >
> > > Matt Stegman wrote:
> > >
> > > > No, startx does not start kdm.  startx will start X, and load kde by
> > > > default, or another window manager - you can use any of several tools to
> > > > change this.
> > >
> > > Qué? In Mandrake, startx gives you kdm.
> >
> > No, it doesn't.
> I think that what the person means is that Mandrake configured kde as the
> default window manager and desktop.  This may have been through a user choice
> made during the installation process, or the default the Mandrake distribution
> which was installed.
> To an unknowing user, this could cause startx to look like it gives kdm or kde
> as the default.  Only by reading documentation on this does a person realize
> that startx only gives or brings up what it's instructed to do so, through
> configuration files, e.g. ~/.Xclients.  Without reading the documentation on
> this process, many newbies to X and the wm's can easily think that startx is to
> "blame".
> startx is a "front-end" and depends on configuration files, to know what to do.
> To learn about startx and configuring which wm's to use or have a choice of,
> people need to read the documentation on this, or wait until someone repeats
> it.
> True, startx doesn't decide what wm is to be used, but it can seem like it does
> for people who don't know what's actually going on.
> mike

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