Demosthenes wrote:
> uh ohhh...I seem to have trashed my system again.
> It all started with a simple reboot. I launch the Gnome menu, Choose
> logout and nothing happened for a full minute or 2. So I choose the menu
> again and it just wouldn't comply with my desire to log out. No response
> whatsoever.
> I then tried to fool the system by loggin out via the 2 button mouse
> click on the desktop and choosing the shutdown or reboot option from the
> system menu. Apparently, the system doesn't believe I should have that
> right and denied me.
> So then I thought I would be real slick and try a shutdown from xterm. I
> must not have used the correct syntax, so I tried to restart the panel
> by guessed it,"panel" This got my panel back up and running,
> but when I choose logout, nothing happened.
> kaboom! Error messages start appearing...
> GDK-WARNING **: GDK window (memory address) unexpectedly destroyed.
> GTK_ signal_disconnect by data(): could not find handler containing data
> then, after a really forced power off, my current login has an error
> message about the task list applet. Netscape reports something about a
> lock file and that another user may be trying to...forgot the rest of
> the message.
> These souns like some serious error to this new kid on the linux block.
> Am i going to have to rebuild? again?

I'm still having this same problem. Loggin out via the gnome panel
brings no results, but I have figured out that I can "su" and "shutdown
now" via xterm after the panel freezes. (I also fixed my regular IDs
rights to allow for shutdown) However, during shutdown, my system hangs
during the anacron part of shutdown. I assume that my problem stems from
anacron. I understand that anacron is similiar to "AT" commands in NT,
but I don't know enough to see how it might affect the panel and why it
can't shut itself down during a power off. Any and all help is


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