On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Jose Alberto Abreu wrote:

> So I got my copy of 6.0, got my copy of Wordperfect 8 from an
> Spanish Computer mag (for the spanish dictionaries and stuff), installed
> without troubles, added some TT fonts we normally use at the office and
> updated the fonts.dir file without much trouble.
> But now the problem is that Wordperfect only sees a bunch of awful
> printer fonts that dont let me share documents with my collegues. I can
> see the TT fonts in all aps except Wordperfect.

This is a WordPerfect problem - its font support doesn't use the normal X
library calls, so it doesn't support all the fonts installed in the
It doesn't support TrueType fonts at all.

You have basically two options:
- Use a different word processor, such as Star Office 5.1
  It has more features (including better font support), but is somewhat
  slower, especially on low-memory machines.
- Convert the fonts you want to use to Type1 fonts and install them in
  the WordPerfect font directories. Have a look at
  for more information on this.


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