these should be dial on "demand" and a time out after a period of 
inactivitiy. maybe 2 min.? these are options in a file called 
"/etc/ppp/options" to understand the options in the file /etc/ppp/options, 
read the man file for pppd. in a console type "man pppd" 
I believe you need to (as root) add a line that says "IDLE=200" and a 
seperate line saying "demand". can you connect with "ifup ppp0" ?

On Tuesday 19 June 2001 12:36, you wrote:
> Thanks to each of you for responding to my question.  Since you asked
> questions, I'll try to explain.
> 1. Since I am in the US, I am fortunate not to have metered telephone
> service so that is not an issue -- in fact the two linux pc's here have
> a dedicated modem line.
> 2.  I am using the SETI Command Line version 3.3 which is the lastest
> and the required version these days.
> 3.  As one of you surmised, I want the linux version to do as the
> Windows version does -- dial in when an itteration is completed and
> receive a new one, then hang up. The linux version comes with options
> which are supposed to accomplish this, but they don't seem to work for
> me (they require a proxy server, which I don't ccurrently have).
> 4.  The system which permits 10 itterations to be downloaded is nice but
> it won't work for me as I leave the two machines running 24/7 even when
> on vacation and this machine does a SETI download in just under 6 hours
> while the other does one in about 10.  Hence, it wouldn't help while on
> a two week vacation.
> the Linux seti version does NOT provide for a default
> dial/send/download/hangup.  What I think I need is a script that will do
> this for me but I have NO idea how to accomplish that and I am hoping
> one of you can help or direct me to someone who can.
> (If you are curious about the pc's, I built both myself.  This one has
> an Athelon 1.3 gig processor 768 megs of memory, two 40 gig ultra 100
> hard drives and Mandrake 8.0. The memory is 133 and I have a front end
> bus of 266.  The second is an Athlon 950 with 376 megs of pc 199 memory
> and a 25.6 gig hard drive (Ultra 66).  Also mandrake 8.0 )  NO windows
> except on my laptop and as soon as I can download the hard drive so I
> can put windows back if needs be (and thus not void the warantee) I
> pland to make it a Linux box also.
> Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
> Charles Wackerman
> Carthage, NC USA
> (current temp here is 99 degrees F.)

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