On Monday 18 June 2001 17:14, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
> > Actually, I would like to be able to install the 2nd disk for it
> > includes some important stuff that I need. (I have 30G drive)
> > However during the installation process, LM8.0 didn't ask me to
> > insert the 2nd cd.
> > I saw that it is full of rpm's and I am in the process of learning
> > how to use rpm, but is there an easy way to install most if not all
> > of the 2nd disk?
> That's odd... You should've been asked during the installation if you
> had the second CD on hand.

Thank you Dhanapalan for your help. 
Actually it was a hardware problem. Since I was low on resources, Mandrake 
choose not to install the 2nd cd. during the last couple of days, I have been 
busy upgrading my hardware: new mobo, more ram... and Mandrake judged it to 
be sufficient ;-) so the install went ok, including cd2.

> With swap, the law of diminishing returns really kicks in as your
> approach 256MB. Ideally, you should be able to load everthing in main
> memory, since a hard drive is much slower than RAM. If you're actually
> using as much as 256MB swap, your system will be so slow it'd be
> unusable. Any more than 256MB of swap is simply a waste of space.

Thanks, I use the opportunity that I had to reinstal to resize my swap.

> > The Software Manager doesn't work. If I launch it, it freezes whilst
> > loading the first screen. Then, the only way to get out is to kill
> > the application.

Same as above. Hardware was not good enough. Since upgrading, I no longer 
have any problem. 

> broken and you need a reinstall, you can get the package rpmdrake from
> rpmfind.net.

This link is always useful. Thanks. 



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