Johannes Eriksson wrote:

> eric wrote:
> >
> > Dear Johannes:
> >
> >    When my username of my isp's mailserver different from locallinux username
> > or I use root mode to send mail,
> >
> >   the receipient get my return address as my locallinux username, so when they
> > autoreply, the reply letter can not reach me.   Do you know how to binding so
> > the autoreply can reach me.
> >
> >   now I use "mail" or "emacs" rather than pine or mutt?  Thanks your email reply, 
>hope to your help again soon.
> >
> > Eric Lin  /* isp's email address is        locallinux email address
> >              [EMAIL PROTECTED]               [EMAIL PROTECTED]            */
> > best regard
> I don't know whether you use fetchmail (or something similiar) and read mail
> locally or always connect to your ISP's mailserver when reading mail. In the
> first case, read the fetchmail-FAQ distributed with the program. If you don't
> have a permanent internet connection (like ADSL/SDSL), but connect temporarily
> through dial-up PPP or SLIP, this is probably the best solution.
> I use mutt with the following in my .muttrc:
> set spoolfile = {my.mailserver}INBOX
> set folder = {my.mailserver}
> set imap_user = username
> set imap_pass = password
> This allows me to access my mailserver using IMAP. When I send mail from my
> local machine, my return address becomes [EMAIL PROTECTED] For more
> information, read the FAQ at and the mutt documentaion.
> I don't know how to configure pine in this way (I don't use it).
> The legacy BSD mail program can only be used to read local mail and I would not
> really recommended using it. I don't know about emacs mail capabilities, but as
> it's primarily a text editor, not a MUA, I guess you'd be better off with pine,
> mutt or Netscape Messenger.
> Hope it helps you.
> -
> Johannes Eriksson

when I am at root mode /usr/bin/mutt  and after setting by your advice, I get  To 
root@localho  ( 1) Cron
<root@localhost> run-parts /etc/cron.hourly

also vi /var/spool/mail/root
the last line:
Can not open :/var/run/news/shlock7839", Permisson denied

hope someone help
best regard
Eric Lin

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