I have installed Mandrake 8.0 a few weeks ago but I haven't been able to 
configure it the way I need to yet. I have tried to get help from a local 
linux list about installing chinese functinalities, but my problem is not 
solved. I hope someone here will be able to help me. :-)

Basically, I need to be able to input different languages (inc. french, 
german... but most importantly chinese which requires a special software). 
I would use chinese in kmail, abiword and many other common softwares. 
Abiword won't even display the chinese in existing .doc files. 

in the message below. 
CLE stands for Chinese Linux Extension, of which xcin is a part, if I 
understand well. 
Linuxer is a local linux monthly magazine. 



----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

ok, it's been a while I have been trying to install chinese input without
success. Further help will be appreciated.

Here's the situation:
from Mandrake 8.0 CDs in the June Linuxer issue, I properly installed
everything that could be installed.

In the KDE Control Center, I set the personalization> country and language
to Taiwan. Big5.

Now, all the menus are more or less displayed in chinese and can read my mail
in chinese (even though is some places, especially in Kmail, I have funny
symbols instead of Chinese... but I can cope with that for now).

The problem is that I can not start xcin. Here is the error message I get:

$ xcin
XCIN (Chinese XIM server) version xcin
(module ver: 20000831, syscin ver: 20000210).
(use "-h" option for help)
xcin: locale "en_US" encoding "iso-8859-1"
xcin: error: /etc/chinese/xcin/xcinrc:
        locale section "en_US": DEFAULT_IM: value not specified.

I followed the advice I was given:
>If you want everything to be in Chinese, you can just
>copy /etc/sysconfig/i18n to $HOME/.i18n
>Edit .i18n, changing "en" and "en_US" everywhere to zh_TW.Big5.
>You can set up multiple users, one with English configuration and
>one with Chinese.

here is the file as I modified it:


It didn't help. To start with the messages in the terminal are illigible.
It's neither english nor chinese. i guess it because of the SYSFONTACM which
is not set properly?

When I start xcin, I have a similar error message (only after copy/paste into
this email, could I read what the message said):

 $ xcin
 XCIN (中文 XIM 輸入法程式) 版本 xcin。
 (模組版本: 20000831, syscin 版本: 20000210)
 (使用 "-h" 選項顯示使用說明)
 xcin: 區域化設定 "zh_TW.Big5" 內碼 "big5"
 xcin: 錯誤: IMOpenIM(): XIM 名稱 "xcin" 傳輸埠 "X/" 開啟錯誤。

>I uninstall the xcin 2.5 in Mandrake and then install the xcin in CLE 1.0.
>It works! I use the same method to solve the Abiword problem. Please try it.
>I hope it will be helpful for you.

I installed Mandrake 8.0 from the 2 cds included in Linuxer. June.
I also have the 2 cds CLE1.0 included in Linuxer, May.
I did:
        rpm -i *CLE*
from the second CLE1.0 cd. (there were only virtual links in CD1)

What I don't understand is that: are there different softwares to input
chinese (xcin -installed by default with mandrake- being one and CLE being
another one)???
If so, I must have CLE somewhere installed but I couldn't figure out how to
start it.
Or are both the same thing, just a different version?
Am I supposed to overwrite (upgrade) the one with the other?
Yet, in this case, I guess that the one I have installed is the latest
because it came from the latest published cd. It seems that I have the version of xcin installed.

It is important that I can input chinese using bopomofo (I am still

Thank you for your help,


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