I just posted this questions seconds before finding the answer and I only
think it's fare if I posted it here. I found this at
http://www.linuxnewbie.org/nhf/intel/osbooting/lilo_dual.html if your
interested in reading it there instead in a email.

Overcoming LILO dual-boot problems
Written By: chronologic

This document was written because I spent almost a week getting my system to
dual boot both linux and win98. There were so many people out there with the
same problem, and so many half-answers to the questions, that I decided to
try to fill the void. I am a newbie of about two weeks, so I definitely
don't know everything about linux. I think this document is both an
excellent and a very poor NHF. I say that because MANY newbies seem to be
faced with this problem, and to have a definitive source for fixing it is
just what newbies need. But on the other hand fixing the problem can be very
complex and it was hard to write a guide that would be comprehensible and
yet still get you the info you need. The bottom line is that fixing this
problem can be a pretty serious thing, and performing any of the operations
I suggest require some knowlege about the operations themselves. I could not
include everything in a guide of this size. Therefore I say this: Use this
guide at your own risk, be aware that my suggestions can lead to a complete
loss of data on all hard drives if not done right. You should have backed up
everything you could not afford to lose before trying to install linux, and
that still applies. I suggest using this document as a guide to get you
started. Once you decide what your problem is and how you should solve it
you should read everything else you can to be sure you know what you are
doing before you try anything. I am in no way responsible for loss of
data....but if you can take responsibility yourself and are determined to
try it, then read on!

Part I: The Problem.
Many users have tried to set up a dual boot, linux and whatever system, only
to be greeted by a strange L 10 10 10 10 10 10 (it just keeps going) after
their first reboot. In this situation it can be easy to panic, especially
since you probably can't boot to your old OS from here. I will try to
outline what I think are good steps to solving these problems.

Lilo is a kernel boot loader. It can be used as your main boot manager for a
system, because it is able to load linux, OS/2, win98, NT, and many other
poplular OSes. However, it does have one limitation that can be particularly
aggravating: It can't boot an OS from a partition that is located beyond the
1024th cylinder of the drive. For people with large drives this can be a
problem. The most likely cause of this problem is trying to install linux on
the same HD as another OS. If you created your linux partition towards the
end of a large drive, linux won't boot.

There is a fundamental limitation of many motherboard bioses that can also
be a factor here. For some reason it is not possible to boot from a
secondary drive. Not every bios has this limitation, but currently it seems
fairly common. If you have installed linux on a second drive, it is likely
that this is the cause of your error. Again, the situation is LILO can't
access the info it needs to continue booting, but this time it's not LILO's

Hard Drives:
There are two common ways (that I know of) of addressing data on a hard
drive. The old way, called CHS (for cylinder, head, sector), limits the size
of the drive in some ways, so a new way was invented called LBA. (this
stands for linear block addressing). Most newer drives of any reasonable
size can be set up to use LBA. In most bioses this is the first option
presented when the drive is autodetected. So the chances are your newer
drive is set up to use LBA, but may still accept queries in the old CHS
format. The reason I bring this up is that when you install LILO you have
the option to check "linear". It wasn't clear to me what that meant and it
probably isn't clear to most newbies. Basically you can check linear if your
HD is set up in LBA mode in your bios. For some drives it will work either
way, for some you need to have linear checked, or unchecked, but it won't
work either way. You should decide what way works for you based on what I
have said.
So now you understand what can cause the problems...you want to fix it

PART II. The Solution.
Well the first thing to do is decide which exact problem you are trying to
fix. Because there are several things that can cause LILO to fail you should
have read the above section. Assuming you did, go on the the section that
applies to you.
I should tell you how to uninstall LILO, so that if none of this works you
should at least be able to boot to your old OS again. Use a boot floppy to
get LILO: prompt. press tab (to give you a couple more
seconds) and then type "linux 3" This will get you to the linux console. You
should login as root. At any time to remove LILO just use "lilo -u". You'll
have to find lilo on your system, for me it's in /sbin. (I
think). Use "man lilo" for more info on the LILO bootloader.

Part IIa.
You have installed linux on the same HD as another OS and you get a bunch of
1's and 0's at boot time.

Now for this problem, There may be a NEW version of LILO that will solve
everything. As I write this I think the new release is only a few hourse
old, so it may be hearsay, or it may be true. In any case I haven't used it.
But if it's true then this is what you will want, it's the simplest choice.
Go get it and install it.

If it's not true, the you have two options: you could use nuni or something
else instead of LILO. Nuni is a linux bootloader that doesn't have the 1024
cylinder limitation. You have to compile it (and assemble it strangely
enough) yourself, but if you follow the directions to the letter it's not
that hard. To get nuni go to freshmeat.net and type "nuni" in the search
box. (This is all over usenet right now) Lastly, you could move your linux
partition to a better location.

The first two options just involve downloading and following the setup
instructions. The third option requires using Partition Magic or some other
"on-the-fly" partition tool. I have only used Partition Magic. I think MAYBE
disk drake, that comes with linux-mandrake 7.0, may perhaps also let you
re-size on the fly. There are undoubtedly others.

To create a new partition you must first re-sizing the FAT32 partition,
leaving empty space at the beginning of the disk, and then creating a new
partition (linux) in the space. Now you can reinstall Linux in this new
space. Most distributions I think have you do this first, so you will
probably have done it before, you just didn't put the linux partition before
the 1024th cylinder. Try again!

Part II b.
You have installed linux on a second HD, and you get a bunch of 1's and 0's
at boot time. To solve this problem you have two options: You can always use
a linux boot floppy to get you into linux, or you can boot from HD, but you
have to make a few changes, outlined below. If you use a boot floppy, you
should uninstall lilo from your MBR (if you installed it there in the first
place) and install it in your linux partition instead.

If you want to be able to boot from the hard drive without needing an
annoying floppy, you can do that too, but it's a little trickier. You need
to create a new partition on your primary drive to hold the contents of your
/boot directory in linux. You will have to use Partition Magic or some other
"on-the-fly" partition tool. I have only used Partition Magic. I think MAYBE
disk drake, that comes with linux-mandrake 7.0, may perhaps also let you
re-size on the fly. There are undoubtedly others. I created the partition at
the beginning of my FAT32 partition for win98 using Partition Magic. This
involved first re-sizing the FAT32 partition, leaving empty space at the
beginning of the disk, and then creating a new partition (linux) in the
space. I made mine ~30 MB, but I think that's a little bigger than needed.
You make your own decision. I left room for expansion.

After creating the new partition, you go into linux using your boot floppy,
in console mode (type "linux 3" at the LILO: prompt). You need to set it up
so that your current /boot directory will be moved to the other drive. The
steps I took to do this are as follows:

I used fdisk to print the details of hda. Then I used mke2fs to create an
ext2 file system on hda2 (which fdisk said was the linux partition). Next I
copied everything in /boot into a new directory /boottmp. Then I deleted
/boot. Now I ran fsconf to create a new mount point for /boot only it was
located on hda (in my case hda2). Finally I copied everything in /boottmp to
/boot and removed /boottmp. Now all the boot stuff is on the primary hd. I
had to run linuxconf once more to re-install lilo (I had messed with lilo
alot you may not have to I couldn't say...you'll have to decide).
At this point you can re-install lilo in the MBR, or if you are using some
other boot manager (I'm using ICEPACK) then you can install lilo in your
linux partition. It should work at this point.
Part IV:
The above suggestions didn't help Be sure you tried lilo with both linear
checked and unchecked. I'm pretty sure you can't hurt anything by trying it,
and you can get back into linux using your boot floppy to change it back if
it doesn't work. If you are getting the 1's and 0's then don't change it,
that's not the problem. Also make sure you actually installed lilo. Getting
a blank screen pretty much means nothing is installed.

Any corrections or suggestions? Something I didn't describe well enough?
Email me, let's make this document better! [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Good Luck. --chronologic

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