First, let me say THANKS to the many people who have responded with

I TRULY thank all of you..  But I stumbled across this myself and think
I found a bug.

First, the fix.  To refresh, I had partial sound, but NO CD sound, and
no realplay. I did have .wav and sounds in
enlighenment/gnome, but many .wav's I played were distorted.
I tried sndconfig with all options, no good.  Someone said rmmod sound,
I got no sound loaded or something..

Last night someone posted rmmod soundcore.. I tried it and got sound
module is in use..

So for the heck of it ( this was all logged in as root btw, I retried
sndconfig and got Linus, and tried a CD,
wham!.. This was in KDE as root.  I then booted into KDE as user, worked
fine..  Didn't have time for gnome/enlighenment, hadda
goto work.

Here's the breaker!  After work, booted into gnome/enlightenment, and
played a CD.. Worked..

Ahh.. I fixed it..  Well then I broke it.  GMIX.
The current version of GMIX that comes with Mandrake 6.0.
I opened it and moved the CD volume and got a "pop" then silence.
( My gut feeling all along was gnome broke it since from what I
*remember* when I first installed Mandrake 6.0 I was a KDE user
and had never played with gnome but was curious about it and *think* I
remember CD working, but not sure.)

So,, did the same as above and sound is back.. Opened KMIX from gnome
and all is well.

Needless to say, I have now removed GMIX from the system!

Hope any Mandrake people reading this can hopefully verify!

Thanks again.

Coming to you with Linux-Mandrake 6.0

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