I have had sane 1.0.4 installed and have only been able to scan gray mode. 
Color only gives a IO problem. 

Mandrakes cooker now has version 1.0.5 of the sane RPM's as well as 
version 0.78 of xsane. However, once I have removed the old software and 
re-installed with the lastest version, scanimage -V still reports 1.0.4. Is 
there a simple explanation?

Also, after doing a scanimage -T, the prompt does not return and the scanner 
light stays on for about ten minutes at which point the prompt returns. Color 
test completes but does not return prompt either. Previous version at least 
finished gray test?

Sorry for any bad english, my 18 month old daughter is helping me type this 



Mandrake 8
Adaptec SCSI AVA-2904
HP5p Scanner

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