On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Jay and Jen wrote:

> My sound card, an Ensoniq AudioPCI (one of the originals, from before
> the Creative buy-out), is misbehaving.  I heaar sound, but it's very
> quiet and hugely distorted.  The proper driver, however, is isntalled
> (it was auto-sensed as AudioPCI).  Any help for this?

Aside from waiting for a newer kernel or trying the hackkernel, no...

> Does the kernel support the ALi UDMA chipset on my mobo (an Asus
> P5A-B)?  If so, how do I turn on UDMA support?

You need the Uniform IDE driver patch for UDMA support on ALi chipsets,
which we couldn't include in the standard kernel because it seems to cause
big problems with old CD-ROM drivers.

> How do I get the Seti@home client working?

Just untar it and run ./setiathome

> And, finally ... how do I mount my fat32 drive at boot?  If I understand
> the nomenclature, it's hda (primary master) with 1 partition.

/dev/hda1 /mnt/SuckOSdisk vfat defaults 1 1

to /etc/fstab, assuming you want to mount the drive to the /mnt/SuckOSdisk
directory. Don't forget to create the directory.


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