Hello there Dillo (http://www.dillo.org/) fans...

As you may have noticed, slashdot.org is impossible to render since about 2
weeks ago with dillo, namely being the fact that /.'s code has gone from bad to
M$ standards :-(

For those of you wanting to still read /. with Dillo, I have created a php
script which downloads it (main page only), and parses it through "tidy"
(htmltidy) and sed's a few things out, namely the cookie / name I use to log in.
Yeah, to get tidy to work, the only solution was to use my own cookie ;-)

NOTE 1: Only the main page works. URL's on the page are not parsed through this

NOTE 2: This page will also not read or use your own cookies at all, so your
presonal preferences will be ignored

NOTE 3: It will not allow any other browsers to use this. ONLY Dillo is
allowed to parse this page, as each time a refresh is done, my server
downloads a new copy of the index page of slashdot, and I wouldn't want to be
spamming their server. If you have another browser which has problems and
renders the main page black, let me know, and I'll see if I can include your
browser too into it's browser-detection technique

NOTE 4: This is a temporary page for until slashdot actually descide to read
their bug reports posted on sourceforge, and not mark them as fixed when they
actually are anything but fixed. When slashdot fixes itself, this page will be
offline shortly afterwards.

NOTE 5: This isn't a cache of the main page, it's a direct copy of it, with the
big errors taken out.

Hope this helps a few of you with /. with your favorite browser ;-)

Oh yeah, the URL: http://slashdot.axljab.homelinux.org:8080/ (again, dillo only)

Let me know how it works and if you have problems.

"...the software said Win95 or better, so I installed Linux"

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