Hi there,

(don't know exactly how to post stuff so I try again with [newbie] in the

Just installed Linux Mandrake 5.3 a week ago and figured out a lot but I've
still got some questions.

I installed it on a IBM ThinkPad 380Z with 64 MB.

The graphics adapter is a NeoMagic 256AV or something so I choose the
NeoMagic 128 driver.

It works fine in 1024x768x16M but when I am resizing windows (to the max)
and back the screen gets corrupted. If I choose to redraw the screen it
looks fine again.
A colleague of mine as installed it on the same laptop and he told me that
it works fine ??
Tried to change setting with XF86Setup, but no success.

Second question is also about the bad performance I get using the KDE
I increased the amount of memory used for the desktop to 5100 KB but I've
got 64MB so hence that couldn't be the problem I guess.
I opened 2 Netscape sessions and a Terminal session and the poor thing got
really slow. I even got an error about my Virtual memory being low (I
reserved 100MB for it !)
After that the Terminal app. In X crashed and I had to restart the X session
to get it to work again. Core dump and more of that s... !
Strange isn't it?

The third question is about LILO.
For some (still unexplained reason) LILO got corrupted. After booting my
Laptop all I got to see was LIL-  as a prompt and the damn thing hung.
Booting with a bootflop and uninstalling LILO (lilo -u) and starting it
again (it found both the partitions DOS and Linux) no success? I checked the
config (lilo -t) and everything looked fine.
At the end I installed Linux again from CD (chose the update option) and
choose all the defaults. LILO was initialized again somehow and after this I
could boot from harddisk again. YESSS !
There must be another way to do this. Maybe it has something to do where to
put the LILO loader (MBR or first bootable partition) I forgot the first
configuration but now I have chosen the MBR.

The rest works fine, got around the problem of the default numlock problem,
can use the Xircom network/modem card and even got LICQ installed (not
connected to a ICQ server yet!)

Other Thinkpad users please send me a mail so we can keep in touch and
exchange info about Linux on this machine with mandrake 5.3.

Hope to get some tips/answers.

A hard to give upper,

Roger de Jonge

---- Very funny Scotty, now beam down my clothes ----

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