    I'm trying to install Linux-Mandrake on my computer...
    During installation, I've passed over all tasks, how create partitions, file copy etc...
    But.. my videocard isn't working...
    I have a Diamond SpeedStar A50  videocard with 8 Mb memory... and my monitor is an LG Studioworks 17'' 775n....
    It doesn't work! And I don't know why!
    When occurs the testing of my video card.. with my monitor.. using the horizontal and vertical refresh rate selected..
    I don't belive! Appears only a screen, with a window at the center of the screen... but.. the fonts, the text blocks.. appears like black blocks... very, very strange... Entering the KDE interface enviroment.. the icons, and the bars appears, but the texts no... they look like black blocks... I'm sure that the problem is with my videocard....
    I don't know what to do! Heeelp me!
    What do I have to do to set this video card properly with my monitor ?
See ya later!
Alvaro Beckerig <Brazil>

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