I have been using Linux successfully with sound for some time now.  However
I have recently tried a couple of things and now sound has gone haywire.  I
have done the following...

1)  Setup a specific user account for playing Civilisation-CTP.  Don't ask
me why, it just seemed like a good idea at the time.
2)  I have tried installing and using SLab 3.01 hard disk recording system.
I've played around with it a bit, but as yet have not actually recorded

I first noticed problems when I tried playing Civ - CTP under another user
account.  There was no sound.  On further investigation I found that access
to kmix was refused, as was access to the device for playing wav files and
midi files (these previously did work).  Having a look at the permissions on
/dev/audio and /dev/mixer I found that they had r/w permission for my
Civilisation user account only (I don't recall changing any permissions).  I
have changed this so that all users have r/w access (chmod 666) however I'm
still left with the following problem.

My Civisation user account works fine.
All other user accounts can play cd's without a problem but cannot play wav
or midi files (Civ-CTP has no sound).  Cannot open output device error
messages appear.
Root works fine.

What devices and permissions must I configure so that all users can operate
sound.  I am using a single AWE64 card.  Will re-running sndconfig help at
all (I haven't tried this yet).

One last question - does anyone out there use SLab, and can you give me any
assistance in setting up the programme?


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