
For the distribution, you'd be better off using Mandrake.  This is
primarily because Mandrake (especially if you select "medium" security)
tends to close a lot of the security holes that in Redhat are left open.

As for which SQL server you use, that is going to really depend on what the
intended use is.  "SQL backend" is really not detailed enough for someone
to suggest one over the other.


Michael Viron
Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 04:49 PM 05/30/2001 +1000, Paul Clyne wrote:
>Hi all,
>    I have finally convinced "the powers that be" that we should move to a
>SQL backend.
>    We are running a Novel network (4.11) with Win9x clients.
>    Most of the solutions they are being proposed involve some other
>_proprietary_ database (eg : Oracle) on a Novell box, or M$SQL on NT.
>    I want to propose the "other" alternative  (Linux and either MySQL or
>ProgreSQL or ????).
>    I'm after advice.
>        What distribution would fit best in the above network ? (please, NO
>"My distribution is better than yours because.." flame wars).  I'm most
>familiar with RH and Mandrake7.2.
>        Which Linux SQL is better suited to this type of setup ?.  The
>'clients' (the Win9x machines) are running M$Access as their front end.  For
>this proposal to even get to first base I need to be able to connect these
>applications to the back end.
>        Which Linux SQL is best/easiest/fastest/most stable...  ?.
>        Any other advice you can offer.......
>    My initial readings have highlighted either MySQL or ProgreSQL as viable
>candidates, should I be considering others ?  Which ones ?
>    What other web resources would help me to understand the limitations and
>advantages of each solution (I've been to both homepages and tried Google
>but there must be others) ?
>    PLEASE ALSO REPLY to my 'other' account ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) so
>as I don't miss any responses.
>    Thanks heaps in advance.
>Paul Clyne

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