On Saturday 16 August 2003 04:21 pm, HaywireMac wrote:
> Grab it here folks!
> http://www.linuxgaming.jolt.co.uk/?page=&action=show&id=4739
> I haven't tried it yet, lets test the crap out of this and get this
> done!
I'd like to try it, but it says it needs the commercial store bought version
On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 17:21:21 -0400
HaywireMac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uttered:
> Grab it here folks!
> http://www.linuxgaming.jolt.co.uk/?page=&action=show&id=4739
> I haven't tried it yet, lets test the crap out of this and get this
> done!
Tried it and it works great, except for the "won
Grab it here folks!
I haven't tried it yet, lets test the crap out of this and get this
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