I have finally accepted defeat(or stop wasting time) at getting my S3
Trio3D video card to work on our Netfinity 3000 server and have decided
to just add a cheap, fully-supported, video card into one of our open
PCI slots. I got the S3 to work in VESA/Frame Buffer mode at 1024x768
(as IBM suggest), but this has been deemed too hard on the eyes by my
superiors, and I have wasted far too much time trying to get it working
in SVGA mode.

I see that one of the auction pages has the "Real3D Starfighter 12MB PCI
Intel i740 Chipset 2D/3D Video Accelerator" going for $50 and
Xfree86.org shows that it is fully supported under version 3.3.6.

Has anyone had any experience with this card or the Intel i740 chipset?
Are there any difficulties that I should know about before I purchase

Can anyone suggest another cheap, fully supported, video card for under

Any suggestions welcome,


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