I'm having a hell of a time trying to get Xconfigurator to work with an
IBM Ambra Ispiranti. Along the way I've seen several ways the
installation & configuration process could be better:

1. If you don't get your X server configuration right, when Linux comes
up it loops endlessly trying to start the server, failing, starting,...
There seems to be no way to break out at the login prompt and start in
terminal mode. It would really be nice if ctrl-C did something useful at
this point.

2. During the configuration phase, if you don't pick the correct display
adaptor, and get into the monitor configuration, there seems to be no
way to back up and choose another display adaptor. I've started the
installation process over a dozen times because of this. It would be
really nice if the BACK selection at the beginning of Monitor
Configuration actually went back.

3. When the window server fails during configuration it gives no
indication of what's wrong, so finding the right combination of settings
is just a crap shoot. After the system boots the messages from the
failing X server fly by so quickly, there's no time to analyse them.
Actually I can pause the screen, but the messages are of no use anyway.

4. I once managed to get a usable combination of setting and the X
server came up well enough to use, but the vertical sizing was off.
Other problems were that the window manager seemed to know KDE manager
seemed to know the correct size of the screen, but new windows seemed to
think the screen was bigger than it really was. I opened a console
window and ran Xconfigurator trying to find a more workable selection of
settings, but couldn't find one that ran. When I quit, Xconfigurator
stored the new (incorrect) settings without asking me if that's what I
wanted to do. Now I'm back to not being able to remember the selection
of settings that sort of worked, once again playing hit and miss at
configuration time.

What's really amazing is I can't seem to get things configured in plain,
vanilla, VGA mode.

For whoever maintains the configuration part of Mandrake Linux, I'd be
grateful if you made some improvements to reduce configuration

By the way, I may be a Linux newbie, but I'm a Solaris expert.

Cheers, Eric
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